By Nadhifah K. Agusalim, Seven Stones Indonesia
Indonesia has many different visa options for people who want to visit this vast and beautiful archipelago. With so much information out there it can get confusing, which is why it’s important to make sure you make the right visa choice.
The information below is valid at the time of publication, but remember immigration rules can and do change without prior notice, so it’s worth double checking with a reputable agency or with immigration before you go ahead and start the process.
Short-Term Visas
If you’re looking to stay in Indonesia for a short period of time, you can apply for a Short-Term Visa, which includes: Tourist Visa, Visa on Arrival (VoA) and Business Visa. All Indonesia Short-Term Visas are currently single-entry. Multiple-entry visas are not currently available.
Let’s have a look at these in more detail.
Tourist Visa
Do you want to visit Indonesia for a holiday or for sightseeing? If the answer is yes, apply for a Tourist Visa before your departure. To apply for a Tourist Visa, you need to be sponsored by a visa agent in Indonesia. It’s very important to note here that you are not allowed to work on a Tourist visa.
Duration: 60-days
Extendable: Yes (Maximum two times after the first application)
Maximum stay: 180-days (including extensions)
Visa on Arrival (VoA)
After a long period of Covid-19 restrictions and protocol, Indonesia has finally opened the Visa on Arrival (VoA) facility again. The list of countries that can apply for the VoA is continually being upgraded, so it’s best to check with immigration directly which countries the VoA applies to (https://www.imigrasi.go.id/en/visa-kunjungan-saat-kedatangan/)
As with the Tourist Visa, the VoA does not allow you to work in Indonesia.
Duration: 30-days
Extendable: Yes (Once only)
Maximum stay: 60-days (including extension)
Business Visa
Business Visas are for those who wish to study markets, meet with potential distributors or suppliers, set up a representative office, attend meetings or seminars, and do other business-related activities. You have to have a letter of sponsorship either by an Indonesian company or a foreign company that is based in Indonesia. You are not allowed to work or earn money on this visa.
Duration: 60-days
Extendable: Yes (Up to four times, each extension is valid for 30-days)
Maximum stay: 180-days
Long-Term Visas
If you planning to stay in Indonesia for a longer period of time with a specific purpose, you should search for a one of the Long-Term Visa options, which are: Working KITAS, Investor KITAS, KITAP, Impresariat KITAS, Student Visa, Spousal KITAS, Dependent KITAS, Retirement KITAS, and the newly introduced Second Home Visa.
For all permits applied offshore (outside of Indonesia), you will need to first apply for a VITAS (Entry Permit) which is a visa that allows you to enter the country. When you arrive, you’ll need to go to an Immigration Office to convert your VITAS to a KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Card) within 30-days from the date of your arrival.
Working KITAS – Limited Stay Permit
A KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) or a Limited Stay Permit Card is a Temporary Residency Permit Card, it is not a work permit. In order to work you’ll also need an IMTA (Izin Menggunakan Tenaga Kerja Asing). The company you plan to work for is responsible for the process as they are your sponsor. The company needs to have an RPTKA (Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing) or an Expatriate Placement Plan, which needs approval from the Ministry of Manpower.
Duration: 6-months or 1-year
Extendable: Yes
Investor KITAS
An Investor KITAS is for those investing in a business as it allows you to live in Indonesia and manage your business. You can apply for an Investor KITAS if you own a PT PMA, or if you’ve invested in a PT PMA. To be eligible you must have a minimum of IDR 1-billion in invested shares if you have a position in the company. If you’re just a shareholder, you’ll need a minimum investment of IDR 1,250-billion and the invested capital of the company must be over IDR 10-billion. For investors planning to come to Indonesia you can get either a 1-year or a 2-year Investor KITAS. Your passport must be valid for at least 30-months for a 2-year Investor KITAS and for at least 18-months for the 1-year option.
Duration: 1 or 2-years
Extendable: Yes
KITAP – A Permanent Stay Permit Card
KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap) is a permanent stay permit for foreign nationals who have held a KITAS with the same sponsor for a minimum of 5-years. The KITAP itself is valid for 5-years and does not require you to leave the country for any extensions. You’ll also need a MERP (Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit) which is valid for 2-years and needs to be renewed every 2-years, allowing you to exit and re-enter Indonesia as many times as you want. By holding a KITAP, you can get an Indonesian ID card, and a local driving license, you can also open a bank account in a local bank and apply for a local credit card. You will need a sponsor letter for the KITAP application.
Duration: 5-years
Extendable: Yes
Impresariat KITAS (Entertainment KITAS)
If you’re a DJ, musician, singer, artist, or art director you can apply for the Impresariat KITAS, which allows you to work and live in the country for up to 60-days. You will however, need to have an employment agreement and a sponsor in Indonesia.
Duration: 60-days
Extendable: No
Maximum stay: 60-days
Student Visa (Study KITAS)
If you plan to study in Indonesia, you’ll need an Indonesian Student Visa. Before you can apply, you’ll need to be accepted into an Indonesian university and have a letter of acceptance. Then you can apply for a VITAS (Entry Visa) and when you arrive, you’ll be able to convert your VITAS to a KITAS at an Immigration Office. You are not allowed to work on a Student Visa/ KITAS.
Duration: 6-months or 1-year
Extendable: Yes
Spousal KITAS
If you’re married to an Indonesian and the marriage is recognized by the government, you can apply for a Spousal KITAS with your spouse as your sponsor. First you need to apply for a VITAS (Entry Visa) electronically and when you enter the country, the VITAS will be converted to a KITAS at an Immigration Department. After you get your Spousal KITAS, and if you’ve been married for at least two years, you can apply for a permanent residence permit or a Spousal KITAP which is valid for 5-years.
Duration: 1-year
Extendable: Yes
Dependent KITAS (Family Reunion Visas)
The Dependent KITAS is for those who accompany a family member that has a KITAS. It’s designed for the husband/ wife and children (under the age of 18-years) of the main KITAS holder and is sponsored by the same company that sponsors the main KITAS holder. You are not allowed to work or earn any income on this visa.
Duration: the length of stay of the main KITAS holder
Extendable: Yes
Retirement KITAS
If you are over 55-years old and don’t plan to work in Indonesia you can get a Retirement KITAS. You’ll need to show proof of sufficient funds, have a sponsor and have a lease agreement for your accommodation for a minimum of one year. On top of that, you’ll also need to hire a domestic helper, show you are in good health and have insurance.
Duration: 1-year
Extendable: Yes (four times after the first application)
Second Home Visa (NEW!)
Although not yet available, Immigration and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights have announced the rules for the Second-Home Visa for foreigners or ex-Indonesians to obtain a 5-year or a 10-year visa. With this you can carry out various activities such as investment and work. Applicants need to have a passport that’s valid for at least 36-months and proof of sufficient funds. The new policy will be in full effect 60-days after the circular letter has been launched.
Duration 5-years or 10-years
Extendable: Yes
At Seven Stones Indonesia, we believe in delivering first-class visa services, handled by experienced visa agents. Our Immigration services are quick, reliable, and competitively priced and cover every option so you can stay in Indonesia legally.
You can check out our YouTube channel for the Top 5 Questions asked regarding visas in Indonesia here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1kf_mrq_Ys
If you’d like more details get in touch with us via [email protected]
First published in Indonesia Expat