In a recent post published in Mekar, Thierry Sanders highlighted the top 10 reasons to invest in Indonesia.
Here’s a snapshot of his Reason #9 – Growing ease of doing business and better regulations for foreign investors
- Indonesia has climbed the ranks of the ‘Doing Business Database’ and is now ranked at #73 out of #190 countries.
- Indonesia scores well in getting credit, getting electricity, protecting minority investors and resolving insolvency.
- Unfortunately, it is still demanding to set up a business, enforcing contracts, getting permits, paying taxes, trading across borders and registering property.
- Foreign investors will find the BKPM (Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board) a lot more welcoming today.
(UPDATE: Since Thierry Sanders first published his post, President Jokowi has centralized all licensing through BKPM. Read about it here.)
Read the other top reasons to invest in Indonesia by clicking on these links:
Reason #1
Reason #2
Reason #3
Reason #4
Reason #5
Reason #6
Reason #7
Reason #8
Reason #10
Source: Mekar/ Thierry Sanders
If you’re interested in investing in Indonesia and want to learn more about doing business in Indonesia get in touch with Seven Stones Indonesia ([email protected])
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