In a recent post published in Mekar, Thierry Sanders highlighted the top 10 reasons to invest in Indonesia.
Here’s a snapshot of his Reason #3 – 90-million people expected to join the middle class by 2030
The disposable income of Indonesian’s is expected to rise.
In 2010, approximately 45-million Indonesians earned more than USD 3,600 per year. McKinsey, the consultancy that did the research says this level of income, the average GDP/capita, brings an Indonesian into something called the ‘consumer class’.
By 2030, 48-percent of the Indonesian population is estimated to be part of the ‘consumer classes’, totaling 136-million of a population of 280-million Indonesians by then.
If McKinsey’s forecast is correct, today approximately 75-million Indonesians or 28-percent earn more than the national average income.
This will greatly boost the spending power of Indonesians with all the associated benefits of domestic-driven growth … and all the inevitable issues of housing, water, food and energy demand.